Another Booful Baby Beans Restore

My son loves my Booful Baby Beans from my childhood, so I decided to give him his own. You can see my restore on my childhood doll on another post.

I bought one on ebay for a good deal, but he needed cleaned up a lot. The pictures in the auction didn’t show all the damage that was on this poor guy because the pictures were blurry. The auction description said that he needed wiped off or cleaned, but didn’t mention the holes in the face and rear end.
Here are the photos I took when I received him (click on the image to enlarge it):

Here are some photos that show how I took off the head so that I can deep clean it and replace the crushed walnut beans with plastic beans:

I soaked the body in the sink full of water and laundry detergent for three days, changing the water periodically. I added new hair, which tends to stick straight up (just like my son’s hair). The body really brightened up when I washed it. I scrubbed the head and bottom with magic eraser. It was so filthy. It looks so much better now.

Even though I couldn’t fix the holes in the bottom, at least by cleaning it, it doesn’t look quite as bad.

My son absolutely loves his new doll. He calls him “Little Elijah”. My son is “big” Elijah.


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