Transferring Ownership of G-Suite to a Regular Google Account and What it Does to Your Photos!


A while back I posted that I was rebranding, and getting rid of my custom url.  I had an account with Google G-Suite, which is no longer available because they've changed it to Google Workspace.  When I got rid of my custom url (, I had an option to keep my account with Google Workspace, but I would have to pay a monthly subscription, or I could keep my account as a free account, but once my free trial ran out, I'd have to tell Google I don't want to upgrade.  Otherwise, Google would automatically upgrade to a paying account.  I just didn't want to deal with it, so I deleted my account.  Now I wish I had kept it and looked into how to contact Google to let them know I didn't want to upgrade.  I couldn't find anything on the web, so I just gave up and deleted my account.

Before I deleted my account, I backed up all my photos and everything in takeout from my old G-Suite account.  I even shared my photos with my new account.  I tried to find out online by searching, "What happens to photos in a shared account once the main account is deleted?"  I couldn't find the answer.  Well, the answer is, "the photos are deleted."  

Then, I transfered my blogs to my new free google account, as well as backed it up.  However, when my G-Suite account was deleted, all the urls to my photos in all my blogs were broken, showing just an empty photo with a construction type icon.  So for the past several days, I've been going through each post individually, one by one, relinking my photos and deleting the empty ones.  Some of the photos are in a "Google Album Archive" with my account that I'm using now.  Some I have to reupload from my computer.  Some photos I had deleted from my computer, not thinking I would ever use them again.  It's been such a long, tedious task getting them all transferred.  

What I've learned from all of this is to never pay for a custom url.  Because once you decide you don't want to pay for a custom url anymore, you have to deal with all of this. 

 The reason I decided I didn't want to pay for a custom url anymore was because when I die, everything would die with it because no one would be paying for the url.  All my blogs would disappear.  The whole point in sharing on my blogs is for you all reading this.  I want to help people who are looking for the same answers as I am.  I want to share my ideas, projects, product reviews, etc.


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