Over the Oven Towel Hangers (Toppers) and Oven Mitts

With our new kitchen, I wanted something to match and look really nice.  I made some over the oven towel hangers (towel toppers) and matching oven mitts.  The mitts I had before were from Pampered Chef and I loved them.  They were double thick terry cloth.  So I found some patterns online.

For the oven mitt, I used the pattern that came with Insul-Bright, but I used the instructions from Crafty Gemini.  I made two mitts, one for each hand, so they are mirrored with terry cloth (from a hand towel) on the bottom side of the mitt and a cute kitchen-themed fabric I got at Joann's.  For the lining and loop, I used a solid gray Kona fabric from Joann's.

For the towel toppers, I used a pattern from Craft Warehouse and modified it (basically changed where the button and button hole is.)  For the dress, I got ideas from several places and decided to make my own.  I used the same kitchen-themed fabric as the oven mitts and some gray and black homespun fabric that I found at Joann's on the clearance table.  The towels were from WalMart.

You can download my FREE patterns and instructions here.

Towel Toppers and Oven Mitt Patterns

Pattern and instructions for two types of towel toppers and oven mitts.


Dress Towel Topper

·         1/4 yard main fabric
·         1/4 yard contrast fabric
·         1/2 yard interfacing
·         Button or trim as desired
·         hand towel
·         1/2” Ribbon

Towel Topper

·         1/4 yard main fabric
·         1/4 yard contrast fabric
·         1/2 yard interfacing
·         Button
·         trim as desired
·         hand towel

Oven Mitt

·         1/4 yard main fabric
·         1/4 yard lining fabric
·         1/4 yard Insul-Bright
·         1/4 yard warm and natural batting


·         I used a towel for one side of the oven mitts.
·         If you are going to quilt the oven mitts, cut 11x16” pieces of each and quilt together before cutting out the pattern.


RST: Right Sides Together
WRT: Wrong Sides Together
RSO: Right Side Out
WSO: Wrong Side Out

Dress Towel Topper

1.  Cut one piece of lining, one piece of main fabric, and two pieces of interfacing.  Note: If using fabric with a one-directional design, you can fold the pattern in half and add 1/4” to top, as I did.  You may also choose two different fabrics to make it reversible.

2.   If using one-directional fabric, stitch pieces RST. (Note: in these photos I am working on a different topper, thus the different fabric.)

3.  Iron the interfacing onto the main fabric and lining (wrong sides).   Using a scrap piece of fabric, lay on top of the neck opening, making sure it is at least over an inch around the opening, RST.  Stitch all the way around the neck opening.  Do this on the main fabric and the lining.

4.  Trim, cut curves, and fold over edges underneath.  Topstitch.

5.  (You may choose to add the button on the front now, or later.  I chose to do it now so that it wouldn’t go through the lining.)
RST, stitch main fabric to lining, just on sides.  Clip curves and corners.  Flip RSO. 

6.  Cut Towel in half.

7.  Gather or pleat top edges of towel pieces.

8.  Fold in bottom edges of dress, about 3/8” and press.

9.  Pin or Clip towel inside opening.  Stitch.  Repeat on other side.

10.  Cut two 21” pieces of ribbon.   Pin or clip in place along edge of bottom of bodice.  Topstitch ribbon.  Then continue topstitching all along the sides.

Towel Topper

1.  Cut out 1 main fabric, 1 contrast, and 2 interfacing.

2.  Iron on interfacing to each fabric piece, on wrong side, according to interfacing directions.
3.  RST, stitch all along edges, except bottom edge.  Clip curves and corners.

4.  Turn RSO.  Press.  Add Button and button hole, where indicated on pattern.

5.  Fold bottom edge in about 3/8” and press.

6.  Cut Towel in half. 

7.  Gather or pleat on raw edge of towel.   Pin or clip in place.  Stitch.

8.  Insert towel in topper.  Pin or clip in place.

9.  Stitch, then topstitch all around the topper.

Oven Mitt (Not Quilted)

1.  For each oven mitt, Cut 1 from main fabric, 1 from contrast (I used a towel), 2 from lining, 2 from warm and natural batting, and 2 from Insul-Bright.

2.  Place in this order:
·      outside fabric, face down
·      Insul-Bright, shiny metallic side face down
·      batting

3.  Zigzag stitch all the way around, through all layers.  Repeat with other side of mitt.

4.  RST, stitch, keeping the bottom open.  RST, stitch lining, keeping about a 5” gap on the side.  You will need this to turn it later.  Clip curves.

5.  Cut a piece of fabric 5 x 2 1/2” for the loop.  Fold it in half, lengthwise.  Press.  Fold each side in to meet in the middle, then fold over again (like double fold bias tape).  Press.  Topstitch.  Fold in half, raw edges together.6.  Turn outer piece of mitt RSO and place on your hand.  Then, place lining piece WSO and slip it over the mitt on your hand, so that the lining and outer piece are RST.  Match up the raw edges.  Slip Loop inside, between the lining and the outer piece.  Clip or pin.  Stitch all the way around the mitt on raw edges.

7.  Using the gap in the lining, pull the mitt through.  Stitch lining gap closed.  Push lining into oven mitt.


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