Prayer Quilt for My Mom Diagnosed with ALS

I’ve been waiting a while to be able to post this. I entered my quilt into a contest at Joann’s fabric store, but apparently didn’t win, so now I can post this. Last year (July 2011) when I stayed with my mom for a couple days so that my dad could go camping, I had a vision of a quilt with the verse "With God, all things are possible". I decided to make her a quilt with healing scriptures embroidered on it.

I wanted to give it to her for her birthday, so I worked diligently on it. Satan tried to discourage me time and time again so that I wouldn't complete it. Believe me, I thought about just giving up. It seemed like whatever could possible go wrong, went wrong. I had to tear out seams and redo them many times. When I finally realized that it was Satan, it made me want to work even harder on it. I figured if it was so important that Satan would try to wreck it for me, it needed to be finished. From then on, it went smooth. The battle with Satan was over. I took the quilt to my church to have it prayed over, then took it to my mom's. She loved it. I just wanted to bless her and give her something to remind her of God's promises.♥

I used the free embroidery program, Sierra Era Universal to create the words, using a font called Magic School One that I downloaded from I also used the following embroidery that I purchased from
Jesus of Nazareth
Peaceful Jesus
Easter Cross
All Things Are Possible Rose
Swirling Flower Quilting Corner

I also used the Praying Hands from a disk that came with my embroidery machine, the Singer Futura XL400.


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