Simplicity 1955 Fashion Doll (Barbie) Clothes Pattern

Joann’s Fabrics had their 99-cent sale on Simplicity Patterns, so I bought a bunch of Barbie clothes patterns. My daughters saw all of them and squealed as they picked out which ones they wanted me to make. My oldest daughter was so persistent, she picked out the fabric and said, “Come on, Mommy, let’s make my Barbie dress.” So I gave in.

Here’s my model:

The dress I made was from the Simplicity 1955
pattern, letter C.

It comes in three sizes: 10.5”, 11.5”, and 12.5”. I of course used the 11.5” but before I got started, I wanted to make sure it would fit. Since so many Barbies nowadays are different sizes, it is highly recommended that you fit the pattern to your Barbie before you even get started and as you go along. I’m glad I did because the 11.5” pattern for the bodice didn’t even cover the back of the Barbie! So I cut the 12.5” pattern. The ends barely touched in back. I had to add 1/2” on each side of the bodice and 1/4” on the pattern piece of the skirt, totalling 1/2”.

Shown in the photo are the altered pattern pieces and cut fabric for the dress and jacket. I haven’t gotten to the jacket yet—it will be in another post.

First I used my wonderful Singer Rolled Hem Foot #161671-P for the top hem. It takes a lot of practice, but once you get going, it’s so much easier than trying to hem with a general presser foot.
Then I basted the darts, as shown. This gives the bodice the “curves” for the bust.

Then I gathered the front, using a basting stitch and pulled the thread and tied it to keep it in place.

Then I roll-hemmed the skirt and stitched it to the bodice.

Then I stitched the skirt together, half-way up the skirt. 

Then I hemmed 1/4” seam for the rest of the way up.

I checked to make sure the back would meet where it’s supposed to so that I can attach the snaps.

My daughter wanted to help make the dress, so she attached the snaps.

And voila!


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